Our music programs for adults include weekly lessons and group band rehearsals to get you on stage.
Данный сайт не предназначен для совместного использования с лицами младше 18 лет и предназначен сугубо для персонального единоличного использования.
Teachers can switch on the fly from a bird's eye view to one that shows pedal work and even combine the two to make learning easier than it's ever been.
We want to assure you feel safe and comfortable at all times in our stores.
Do you record the lesson? What else do I need for my in-store lessons? Our Adult Music Program includes one weekly private lesson and a weekly group rehearsal.
Neither students nor instructors have access to the recordings.
Every student is placed in a band of fellow adults and then assigned specific songs as a way of learning key music concepts and skills.
After that, you'll get a list of expert instructors, and you'll choose the one who best fits your interests.
Description: Adult students then take the stage to perform at a live show.