Thank you for being here and for all of your encouragement and support! After posting it on Youtube and getting thousands of views, the couple realized that people wanted to see and learn much more about this radiant person.
See more of her here.
When you do something you love it takes on a life of its own.
The latest Tweets from Farm Girl Jen bansheesmoon.
Why Do Guys Love Curvy Girls Curvy girls will always have admirers.
Farm Girl doing tasks and stunts on the farm, just having fun on the boat or at the beach, giving how-to demos, playing with the various animals, working with charities and much more.
One must ask, why so successful with artistic stuff and no full nudity?! The husband is one lucky man.
Curvy girls will always have dates and guys that don't even bother to consider them no doubt have missed out on a golden opportunity.
Description: What is so different about this person!!??