With the hard part over with, I took a meditative shape, the same as the buddha depicted now on my back with the mudra of happiness and Ajarn Neng placed a wet towel over the fresh ink, chanted, blew on it, and then closed out the ceremony with a splash of water and a gold leaf seal for good luck.
Your link should be an interesting event or news piece.
Ya se cansó de tener que estar leyendo y siguiendo todas las noticias sobre este deporte en inglés y decidió escribir este blog para compartir su pasión y seguir aprendiendo.
I was wrapped up in seran wrap and that was it! Kong Kra Phan: protección mágica e invencibilidad.
Es la ampliación de la línea anterior.
You can't just pop into any old tattoo parlor and get a Sak Yant, well maybe you can in Bangkok, but its done by machine or by someone who has studied the art, but it isn't the same as stepping into a temple, giving and offering and discussing what would be the best sak yant for you.
En algunas versiones de Gao Yord, hay un Mantra o Kata tatuado en la base del diseño que simboliza la abreviatura de los nombres de estos 9 Budas de la siguiente forma: A, Sang, Wi, Su, Loe, Pu, Sa, Pu, Pa.
Description: After about an hour 'grab' ride uber we made it to the other side of the city where Ajarn Neng lives and practices.