As her coffin traveled through Berlin bystanders threw flowers onto it, a fitting tribute because Dietrich loved flowers, even saving the flowers thrown to her at the end of her performances for use in subsequent shows.
Dietrich starred in many films including, most iconically, the six vehicles directed by Sternberg — 1930 her only nomination , 1931 , and both 1932 , 1934 and 1935 — plus 1936 and 1939.
Many top film actresses avoid nude scenes altogether.
Description: Among my favorite transparencies in the spring collections are Riccardo Tisci's diaphanous pants under opaque minis for Givenchy; Chanel's sheer black pantie-monium dresses that revealed opaque black panties underneath; Don O'Neill's built-in, see-through jeweled necklines for Theia; and Richard Chai's use of nylon-stocking T-shirts and pants as layering devices for his Love collection.