She also appeared in several Playboy commercials and videos..
I've never seen any really good shot of her in full Bunny regalia even though she's listed and featured as a Bunny several times.
Handelsman Playboy Potpourri - people, places, objects and events of interest or amusement Playboy On The Scene - what's happening, where it's hapenning and who's making it happen Making Out - Fitness - Fashion - Audio - Grapevine: Wheels - Sexcetera Something To Shoot For playboys first photo contest, your chance to find a playmate, for inspiration see.
While attending a Mansion party filled with Playmates and celebrities, Patti caught the eye of a tennis pro who was the date of a fellow Playmate.
Description: If it was doing 90 miles an hour, I could be fairly certain that the driver was talking to someone on down the highway and that there weren't any policemen on patrol.