Just as magazines teach girls they have to be skinny to be considered attractive, porn teaches girls that to be sexy their genitals must look a certain way.
Our kids absorb tons of messages about respect just from watching how we interact with the world.
Porn sex is fictional, , made up sex, and it looks quite different from real life sex.
You see, the quality of our relationships including our determines the quality of our lives.
They found that additional maternal education -- beyond a high school level -- was found to inhibit some of that activity.
I often find that parents silence themselves, thinking that unless they themselves are living in a fairy-tale romance as if that even exists! When girls watch porn, they see an idealized version of female genitals on display.
It could also be that mothers then have greater cognitive capacities to sort of sit down and discuss the pros and cons of waiting to have sex until you're older.
Description: One of the greatest gifts a parent can give their kids is a commitment to their own well-being and relational health.