Alberto Galassi's in laws: Alberto Galassi's grandfather in law was Alberto Galassi's father in law is Alberto Galassi's mother in law is Alberto Galassi's step-mother in law was Alberto Galassi's grandmother in law is Alberto Galassi's wife Antonella Ferrari's uncle in law was Alberto Galassi's wife Antonella Ferrari's uncle in law was All relationship and family history information shown on FameChain has been compiled from data in the public domain.
Ferrari have gone down, it is a shame that they are now behind Red bull and even now McLaren, we must set to and get winning again.
Then, he started working as an organizer of the racing department.
Antonella, que audiciona desde que tiene 7 años, se inició en la actuación en comerciales y también en el taller de teatro del colegio.
Description: He was nominated as a Vice Chairman of Ferrari and also became the Chairman of Piaggio Aerospace Engineering Industries, oldest airplane manufacturers since 1884.