According to Stephanie Santoro -- the family's former nanny, who hooked up with Jon after his June 2009 split with Kate -- Jon and Kate hadn't gotten physical since the very beginning of 2009.
Kate Gosselin is one of the hottest women in the world right now, and she's also known for her amazing body.
The family enjoyed a private birthday lunch at Haab restaurant, had fun at the Little Eko Chefs Kitchen, and the kids decorated gourmet birthday cakes for their famous mom.
In fact, she was devoting more time than ever to her relentless quest for fame, and the extra time she was spending on the Dancing set wasn't doing much to help win over her co-stars.
Kate Gosselin reportedly hasn't been penetrated in almost 15 months and, even worse, it was by Jon Gosselin.
In this blog post, we will be looking at Kate Gosselin nude pictures and photos that have been leaked over the years.
Description: Jon obtained custody of Hannah and Collin in 2018.