The Angreji Beat singer has charged Rs 70 lakh for a song in a film titled Mastaan, starring Naseerudin Shah and his younger son Vivaan.
All hits Yo Yo Honey Singh songs are available on Hungama Music that you can listen online and also get free mp3 downloads.
He charges a massive 1-2 Crore for a one-hour long performance.
However, you would be amazed to know that most of the songs mentioned here are available with the.
These three songs have been very well liked.
For 25 years musicians around the world have relied on Finale to create, edit, audition, print and publish musical scores.
Of Yo Yo Honey Singh Songs, Yo Yo Honey Singh Hit Songs music collect.
Description: After successfully capturing the Punjabi music industry, Singh moved towards Bollywood and produced songs for various high and low budget movies.