Growing up in such a close community meant that the quadruplets were always turning heads and became a bit famous in their own right.
Only as the Dahm sisters came across the campus bulletin board one fateful day, everything they thought they knew was about to change.
The very same year, Phoenix Arn Horn made headlines by saying that she was gay! But many other women have drifted away, are disillusioned and now burn with resentment.
They won the silver medal for their Bulgarian team, with a pretty impressive score of 50.
Dahm Triplets: Wedding Nicole Dahm married to Michael Kelly in April 2009.
Description: Tale of guys who decide to shoot their own soft-core porn in order to meet chicks seems rife with gross-out possibilities, but helmer and coscripter Steven Boe keeps things on the gentle side — a strategy that makes for likable characters but somewhat tame, occasionally incoherent humor.