The uniformly terrific acting rates as another major asset: Baker delivers a positively chilling portrayal of serene evil as Ruth, Auffarth is both brave and heart-breaking as the unfortunate Meg, Moran likewise impresses as David, plus there are sound supporting contributions from Graham Patrick Martin as the mean Willie Chandler Jr.
It's never clear what Ruth gains from all this, what her motivation is.
Miller's fluid, sparkling cinematography, Ryan Shore's delicately melodic score, the nonexploitative and matter-of-fact handling of the unpleasant subject matter, and the frightening plausibility of the whole story further enhance the considerable jolting impact and potency of this profoundly disturbing and gut-wrenching descent into the cinematic abyss.
Yet another example: omg that arguing of what does and does not constitute a lesbian identity, and the never understood by me avoidance of the bi-sexual identity by most parties.
Meg and her sister survived the accident that killed their parents...
Description: Totally drawn in by the characters and the scoundrel of a dog.