It might also seem like he has time for everybody but you if he is the uncaring husband.
You can also try talking to friends or a counselor about it, and holding a talk with your spouse.
Consider How Often You Cry For some people, crying only occurs in very serious distress.
Should I fight for my marriage or let go? Also, if your husband has promised something to you, you should hold him responsible for it, just the way he would do to you.
Put in more effort The fact that your husband is no longer bothered about whether or not you are crying is a sign that some things are not in the right place.
The young woman explained to me that she was married to a guy who constantly made her sob.
Does his behavior embarrass you or anybody you love? It feels like at every turn, your conversations with him just spiral into negativity.
If you married an inconsiderate, mean guy who is full of hate and he brings you to cry over and over again, then just perhaps the solutions are in your tears.
Description: On top of it, I'm in law school with one more year left before I have my doctorate.